How to make meetings more meaningful?

How to make meetings more meaningful?

How to make meetings more meaningful?

In a world where meetings are an integral part of our work life, it’s crucial to make them as effective and engaging as possible. Matt Abrahams (lecturer at Stanford University Graduate School of Business) and Elise Keith (an expert on effective meetings and communication) explore practical tools and insights to make meetings meaningful, productive, and memorable, highlighting the significance of purpose, outcome, and active participation.

Effective Use of Calendar Invites

Calendar invites can be used effectively to communicate the purpose and expected outcomes of meetings in advance.

This enables attendees to prepare better and sets clear expectations about what needs to be achieved.

Active Engagement & Equity

Ensuring active engagement from all participants is vital for effective meetings.

Encouraging contributions early on through exercises or activities fosters participation.

Also important is ensuring equity – providing equal opportunities for everyone to contribute.

Natural Behaviors over Ground Rules

Instead of imposing ground rules, using natural behaviors like asking how participants are doing at the start of a meeting sets the stage for increased engagement and participation.