About: bigIdeas App

“You are the average of 5 people you spend time with.”

This quote by Jim Rohn, if applied in today’s world will look like

“You are the average of 5 algorithms you spend time with.”

The world is producing more content than ever and it has become easy to game (i.e. scam) discovery systems (like Google, Insta, FB), resulting in systems that keep recommending you gamed content – mostly mediocre with very little insights.

A lot of original insights and actionable playbooks are often lost in this SEOed world.

And it’s time to reclaim that!

“Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas.”

Marie Curie

Now that we are at the cusp of an AI revolution, we believe that nextbigwhat should now be focused on enabling curious minds to get access to the world’s best ideas, in order to have a better life, better relationships, better products, better tools and eventually, a better world.

Available in bite-sized chunks, at your fingertips, at your pace, wherever you are, bigIdeas is on a mission to democratize learning and ensure no learner is left behind/

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